Tips For Businesses To Survive The Pandemic

By Giri Mohan

  • 1st July 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is at its peak now. We do not know when this period will end. Even after all of this is over, I’m sure the world won’t be the same. Every business, every person has been affected because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been challenging for most businesses to keep themselves alive in the race during these tough economic times. Here are a few business tips  during the pandemic. I guarantee that it will make your business come out stronger than before if you follow these simple steps.

Go Online

In this digital age, it is absolutely essential for your business to have an online presence. So, make sure that your business is in online. According to surveys conducted, customers look online for a website or social media presence to know more about your business. So, if your business is not on the internet, it means you are losing a lot of potential customers.

Go Online

“If your business isn’t on the internetThen your Business will be out of Business” – Bill Gates

If you have observed during the lock-down, many businesses used technology to create a buzz, to increase their brand awareness.  Here are a few tips that will help you take your “temporarily closed” offline business to “24*7 always open” online business. An online presence is one of the most important investments that a business can make, the benefits are endless.


A website for your business is like having a virtual office. You can showcase your business by adding information about your expertise, displaying your products and services, your previous work and projects handled. You can also add testimonials from your clients. Check out our blog ‘5 Reasons your business needs a website’.
A clothing shop can use an E-Commerce website to sell your goods to a worldwide audience with less effort than maintaining an offline store. An E-Commerce store can help you reach your customers, beyond your locality. COVID-19 will cause an E-Commerce boom. You can start out by building a simple E-Commerce store using WooCommerce and WordPress.

Social Media

We can say social media is now undoubtedly, a very powerful medium for business. According to statistics, 3.8 billion people use social media on a daily basis. The number of users of social media are increasing rapidly. Today it’s necessary for every business to have a social media presence.
For example, if you own a catering company, you can utilize social media to obtain new clients. You can display your packages for various events, post photos about the food that you prepare etc..

By running successful social media campaigns, your brand can get a big boost, reaching a large audience. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedInYouTube, Instagram are the most popular social media platforms used by businesses these days. You can sell your products directly to people, through social media platforms like Facebook Marketplace. Read our article ‘Using social media to boost your business’ to know more.

Online Advertising

During lockdown, we spend most of our time either in front of the television or the mobile phone. Using these platforms to advertise your business will help you in the long run. Online Ads are better for your pocket. Use platforms like Google Ads, Facebook and Instagram to advertise your business online.

Know your customer

Internet will help you to know your customer better. Harnessing technology you can analyse present trends and easily know what your customer is looking for, their interests and behaviours. You can categories them and target them easily. So, conduct market research about your products and your customers. Update your business according to the market trend.

Adapt to changing times

Planning and Strategy is necessary for company growth and success. A strategic plan includes many elements of business including finance and marketing to achieve company objectives. A Business plan can benefit companies of all sizes from multi-national company to small businesses.

In this situation, where the world has been affected by the corona virus. Businesses are switching channels to survive in these tough times. For example, many cosmetic companies are now making sanitisers and small apparel companies are making face masks. Medium sized manufacturers are now preparing PPE kits, beds, ventilators for survival.

Keep your team engaged

As a business owner, it is your responsibility to encourage your team to keep them engaged in business development. Your team relies on your business, so stay connected with them through various online meetings platforms. It’s high time for you to bring motivation and uplift the energy level of your team as the lockdown exit process begins.

Do not Panic

Like all difficult situations, this too shall pass. Worry and fear of future never solves problems instead it creates chaos.  Be positive, COVID-19 could be a golden opportunity for you. Eat healthy food, stay fit and calm. Doing will help you come up with creative and innovative ideas for your business.

These are my tips to help your business survive this pandemic. We at Market Bird develop websites, do digital marketing, online advertising, graphic design, traditional marketing, and social media marketing. Our aim is to help your business thrive. If you would like to seek out our help or assistance, contact us via email or call us on +917204592231.

Let’s stay united and help each other during these tough times. Let’s stay safe and stay healthy.